Did anyone ever read the comic book by Marvel Comics?
There is a brand new six-issue limited series from Marvel Comics called Marvel Illustrated: Moby Dick which is a very accurate adaptation of Herman Melville's novel. Both the art and the writing are really good, and I highly recommend it to any real fan of Herman Melville's Moby Dick. I'm glad that someone finally shows what life was really like in that place and time in a comic book.
The only time I remember that a comic book ever showed that was the extremely rare official movie adaptation of Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World, which is a b i t c h to find. I hate it when Hollywood shows bulls--t like the Pirates Of The Carribean trilogy. Things like that always piss me off. And yet, they have the nerve to screw up various versions of Moby Dick. And these are the same Hollywood a s s holes who think that a porno flick like Pirates is cheap garbage. Yeah, because Gay Butt Pirates Of The Carribean is so deep. (rolls eyes) Yeah, Pirates was crap. But really, what porn movie isn't? At least it had hardcore sex in it. That was entertaining. Not watching girly men like Captain Jack Sparrow and his bendover buddy William Turner pretend to be bad ass. And don't get me started on Elizabeth Swann. She is so boney she looks like a dude. Give me one of the women in Pirates over that boyish toothpick any day.
Anyway, sorry about going off topic a little with that P.O.T.C. rant, but if you wanna see the real deal, read Marvel Illustrated: Moby Dick. I guarantee that even if you're not really into comics, you will really dig this limited series. Maybe Hollywood will hopefully look at it and finally do a version of Moby Dick that matters.