50% for Max?

Did anyone else think that when Leo is describing to Eddie the bookeeping, that the contract Toro and his manager signed with Max for 50% of his income was very strange, since he also said Benko was only getting something like 12.5%? That means that Max was getting a much bigger cut than Benko. I can't imagine Benko going along with something like that.

I guess it was some sort of shady tax dodge where Max would repay the much bigger percentage to Benko while Max would be responsible for the higher income tax.


I hated book-keeping in school, it was my least favorite subject. During the exam, I spent the first half opening the books. The next half hour was booking the first transactions. By the second hour, I had already lost the balance, and the last half hour was just shifting figures from here to there and the other way round… so I could close the books. The result looked pretty much like Leo's book-keeping. (I remember getting a D- in my exam, BTW) The figures add up, but they don't make any sense at all. Eddie shouts out "With Max? Why with Max?" for the very same reason.
