Really a great movie

Great story. Great suspense. Great acting from Bogart, Steiger, and Lane. Everyone was great in this movie.

All around a really good watch that still rings true today, it's timeless. And a very good bookend to Bogart's career. One of his best roles, in my opinion, if not his very best. He's perfectly world weary and natural.



I just caught this today on Turner Classic Movies. I agree this was a stupendous film. I enjoyed every minute of it. A+.


the dramatic opening music after the credits are finished and the first scenes on a trashed filled NYC street told me this would be a good, hard hitting, below-the-belt movie. Sure liked Benko's black 1956 Lincoln, though I wish it were a 2 door.


I wouldn't call it one of Bogie's masterpieces, but it's really satisfying for his last. And, yes, overall this is a very good film on its own merits. As for his performance, Bogie delivers one of his best here.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
