Influence on Roddenberry
It appears that Forbidden Planet influenced Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek: Forbidden Planet takes a sci fi story line and uses it near the end to explore questions about the nature and limits of mankind.
shareIt appears that Forbidden Planet influenced Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek: Forbidden Planet takes a sci fi story line and uses it near the end to explore questions about the nature and limits of mankind.
shareAnother influence was A. E. van Vogt's "The Voyage of the Space Beagle".
shareIs a well established factoid.
shareTo quote one of the Star Trek facts: "Creator Gene Roddenberry said Star Trek was influenced by A.E. van Vogt’s novel The Voyage of the Space Beagle, Eric Frank Russell’s Marathon series, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, C. S. Forester’s Horatio Hornblower, and the film The Forbidden Planet."
shareI think Forbidden planet has influenced every science-fiction show. It is as near perfect an example of 50's pulp science-fiction that I can recall. Truly a masterpiece.
Oh gravity thou art a heartless bitch
You'll see FP's animated mattes in Kubrick's 2001. Too elegant an effect for ST's budget.
Aside, I wrote a screenplay ~15yrs ago as a cable docudrama about the development of ST. Featured extensive outtakes from ST and FP. Unfortunately it starred likenesses of Roddenberry and Lucille Ball, neither of whom have ever licensed their likenesses. Oh, and I don't know anyone in H'wood. Fun exercise though.
Guacamole in my choos
The triune executive crews in Forbidden Planet and the original Star Trek TV series both consist of a captain or commander, a doctor, and a science officer.
shareFB also has the womanizing Captain, a voluptuous but naive and available female love interest native to the planet, and a once highly renowned but now a little off kilter scientist protecting a deadly secret. A long dead, technologically superior ancient race of ETs is also a frequent Star Trek theme. Excessive drinking is also featured in a number of Star Trek eps.
With a few minor changes: the ship, the uniforms, and a more disciplined and professional crew, FB could easily be a Star Trek ep.
Yep. Art gives birth to art.