Still a good 50's 'B' Movie
I still enjoy watching this movie, the first time that I saw it was in the early 70's, it was on a rotation of movies the cable provider had on a movie channel, similar to TCM. I like the fact with the low budget they created good special effects by 1950's standards, and yes some are cheesy, but the budget was only $4300.00 dollars, which today would be $37,000.00 dollars. That might buy you an hour of CGI creation time today.
But I think the movie holds it's own when compared to other "sci-fi" movies of the 50's including WOTW, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet and some others that I can't think of right now.
I think that there are a lot of elements in this movie that have been used in most movies of it's type since. The electronic shield that protected the ships early on is like the "shields" in the Star Trek genre, Star Wars, and others. The "translator" they used to decode messages that was then the size of a semi-trailer, that is now offered on voicemail systems to translate voice to text, and text to voice, the small white saucers are similar to drones that we have now.
It's a decent watch, and one I am adding to my collection of 50's Sci-Fi.
1 Baker 11, in pursuit of 1973 yellow Mustang license number 614 Henry Sam Ocean