Aspect ratio
I've read some complaints on Amazon about VHS versus DVD versions of EVTFS. The VHS is 1.33:1 the DVD is 1.85:1 leading to complaints that the studio lopped-off some of the picture for DVD to make it seem like it was widescreen. I read a post on imdb under the "List of Adrian Messenger"that helped me. Here is my reply...
Thanks for the excellent post. I was always confused by numerous posts on imdb for numerous movies that say studios releasing a new DVD of an old movie took a 1:33 aspect ratio and blacked out the top and bottom for today's generation to make it seem it was filmed in widescreen. Such posts complained that much of the image intended to be seen by the filmmaker was was lost. Well this is not the case. Way back in the 50's there was a two stage projection process. The film maker filmed in 1.33:1 knowing that it would be masked later as the filmmaker wanted. But studios confused us by issuing early VHS versions without masking then issued a masked version on DVD as it was supposed to be seen. As a write this I wonder whether all of this was planned by the studio to make more $. We all bought the 1.33:1 version VHS then bought the masked version when they announced the DVD version was widescreen unlike the VHS.