MovieChat Forums > Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956) Discussion > 'ForbiddenTechnology' in 'Earth vs the ...

'ForbiddenTechnology' in 'Earth vs the Flying Saucers'

There are a least two three advanced technologies shown in "Earth vs. the Flying Saucers" that were either not acknowledged or classified "Above Top Secret" in 1957. I have read UFO reports from the period and I cannot recall "saucers spinning" being parts of those reports. "Saucer spin" is not apparent in either "The Day the Earth Stood Still" or "Invaders From Mars". The Canadian "Avro Saucer," developed for the USAF used fans and was not declassified until 1959.
However, the first successful US space satellite, the Explorer, spun and unexpectedly achieved a much higher orbit than predicted. When Dr. Werner Von Braun, a former SS "Special Projects" rocket scientist had designed the Explorer; however if was not revealed until years later that this "saucer spin" actually affected gravity, effectively reducing the weight of the satellite. The second "forbidden technology" revealed in "Earth vs. the Flying Saucers" was the "time dilation" aboard the spacecraft due to creation of a local spacetime. While the "Meisner Effect" had been discovered in 1943, it required superconducting materials at near absolute zero. It may be the technical advisers were familiar with the "saucer" experiments of Dr. Thomas Townsend Brown. However, again, the "Biefield-Brown effect" discovered in 1923 was and still is dismissed as "ion wind," making it ineffective above certain altitudes. The third "forbidden technology" is the "saucer disruptors" used in the movie. No government in the world has ever admitted intentionally "bringing down" a saucer, so how would they know that microwaves will interfere with a saucer's "gravometric field". WHY am I telling you this? Because, this will bring credibility to this website which reveals that Germans had flying saucers since the early 1920s(!) and that the microwave phasers used by some of them interfered with the saucer's electrogravitic field.


You know flying saucers aren't real, right?


You know flying saucers aren't real, right?

You know flying saucers are real, right?


OP, just ignore the other poster's nasty negativity. It seems that the ufo-tech in the film was already rumored in theoretical science and made it into the screenplay. Also Donald Keyhoe's books on which some of the film was based, by necessity broached these questions based on the reported anamalous flight-characteristics of ufos.


In Devil Girl From Mars (see my review), released two years earlier, the flying saucer did spin.


He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good... St. Matthew 5:45


"WHY am I telling you this?"

Because you're a loon desperate for attention? You mix some legit physics with UFO conspiracy theories. But this is pure bullshit! - "saucer spin" actually affected gravity


OP does not realize that flying saucers from other planets are just fun fiction.
