MovieChat Forums > Day the World Ended Discussion > A truly frightening monster

A truly frightening monster

I saw this when I was 14. The threat of nuclear Armageddon was never completely out of our thoughts during this period and the monster–especially when it was revealed that he was the radiation-altered husband of our heroine–was particularly frightening to me: the multiple eyes, the drippy horns, the awful row of teeth, its shambling walk... As my uncle managed the Lyric Theater in Chester, Pennsylvania where such things were shown, I got to see the thing for free and, of course, returned at least a half-dozen times during its initial release just to steep myself in the awfulness of what might happen if I got horribly irradiated during an atomic war. I never got over feeling a bit creepy as the creature crawled through that irradiated haze of post-end of the world night.

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I was eight years old when I saw this at the theater, and I had to hide my eyes whenever the monster was near, seen mostly in shadows at first, I was terrified to see it when they at last showed it towards the end of the film.


The lead monster was very effective considering the $29.95 budgeted for his make-up. I still can see the M-1 GARRAND open sight picture shot of the monster coming closer yard by yard and shaking off the impact of the .30 cal slugs......


There are many things about this film that are notrealistic, but this idea is one of the most glaring. Exposure to massive amounts of high-energy radiation would certainly not have the effects portrayed in his film; the effect would be death. This would sometimes happen in a matter of hours.


I didn't think it was frightening, but I do liked the design of the creature and the suspenseful way in which it was used.


That is what I kept telling Godzilla.


The way his rubbery horns wiggle-waggle when he walk gives me nightmares to this day. They are like their own little entities on top of his head. They might make a good dildo/vibe though.
