Fine, Gary, thanks and yourself? How are things in your neck of the woods?
Personally I have not entered much of late on these pages, I feel so uninspired.
I always got a kick out of seeing dummies used in movies and such. The Three Stooges shorts would enlist them often and when I was a lad such things made me laugh. I believe it is in The Eye Creatures (1965) that one of the titular aliens falls off a high cliff but the body suit/dummy falls apart on the way down. Well, OK, maybe that's alien physiology. Maybe aliens bust open like piƱatas when traumatized.
Recently I saw a promo for a broadcast of A Kiss Before Dying (1956) I did not get to catch the movie itself, but the spot depicted a woman victim in what seemed to be a key scene and her demise is portrayed by a dummy and it is so goofy it is hilarious.
Steven Speilberg went to great lengths to try and bring some realism to the dummies used in the falling bridge sequence in his Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom (1984). They were each fitted with pneumatic devices that would cause the arms to flay around as they fell.
These days most falls are done with blue/green screen or CGI and they are crummy looking.
I kid you not, the one in this title is pretty good!