<Hope you're not too far off the beaten path, anyway. I remembered your farm and had assumed that's where you were moving, but it sounds as if you're basically next door. Just please make sure your tornado shelter is solid and accessible! I lived in MO for a couple of years and while I have no problem with hurricanes (I've been through 15 or 20 of those), twisters scared the hell out of me. Probably also a good place to store all DVDs for safekeeping.
And I hope you're also getting good and plentiful cable or satellite reception!
Say, Gary, as a former Boeing employee, and now relocating to a rural area in OK, and since this IS the board for "Day the World Ended", I have to ask...have you heard something the rest of us should know???>
Actually, I'm about equidistant from two towns of fair size, neither of which is big enough to support a WalMart, so I'll have to go a bit further to shop with Sam Walton's creation. I believe the nearest one is about 30 miles away. (And the nearest fast-food joint is as well, so that should help my waistline.) I don't recall mentioning the tornado shelter in the house. Did I? Anyway, it has one attached to the house, and a substantial one at that. One thing I hope that this town gets is a good community shelter and a tornado siren. Maybe if I become mayor, I could seek a state or federal grant for these things.
Unfortunatley there is no such thing as cable in this county, as the population is way too small to support it. That leaves either antennae or satellite. Direct TV seems to be fairly popular out here, so I'll give it a try. I can get by roughing it for a while, but pretty soon, I'm going to start missing A&E, FoxNews, and the History Channel. At least I have my DVD's to keep me company for a while!!
And, no; I haven't heard anything, but I do think that were something to occur, God forbid, that I would be much better off out here in the sticks than I would be in a big city. Admittedly, part of the appeal of this place is the fact that it is fairly isolated, and as a person who is trying to prepare for a lot of different scenarios, that is an advantage. I try to not be paranoid about things, but merely to be aware. I hope that I have not just branded myself as a nutcase to you, but I don't think that I did. There are things like inclement weather, etc., to think of as well as the more dramatic stuff. In that vein, the town to my north had a bunch of power poles to the east of that town blown down by extreme winds Sunday night, so those things do happen out here more often than most people think. There are no mountains here to break up the winds, so they are sometimes pretty fierce.
The movers came down yesterday and did their thing, so now I have a bed and some furniture, and the place is starting to look civilized. There are a few more things that I have to get from Kansas, but the basics are here, and I have a lot of the creature comforts that I need.
With that I'll close. You take care, my friend.