MovieChat Forums > The Court Jester (1956) Discussion > One of the GREAT comic performances. Vi...

One of the GREAT comic performances. Viva la Kaye!

As I've said elsewhere, Kaye's performance here is Oscar worthy and stands as one of the best comic performances of all time. I can think of few to match it. I personally am a big Jim Carey fan, but though he has had moments in virtually all of his movies that rank with some of Danny Kaye's in The Court Jester (the breakdown scene at the cash register in Me, Myself and Irene for instance), he hasn't had a vehicle like TCJ allowing him such a sustained outpouring of masterful zaniness as achieved by Kaye. What do y'all think? What are some of your favorite comic performances that at least come close to matching Kaye's?

"I'm a lover of beauty--and a beauty of a lover!"--The Court Jester


Yeah, The Court Jester is one heck of a great movie. Definately one of my favorites.


nowadays, a comedy with TWO jokes going simultaneously. But you do in "Jester". E.g. Danny fudging the "pellet with the poison" rhyme whilst also being dragged onto Sir Griswald by his magnetic armour. Great!

My favorite comedy, along with "The Frisco Kid."

"The King wore enough clothes for both of us." Mohandes Ghandi


Always happy to hear of another ...Jester fan.

Unbelievably, I haven't seen The Frisco Kid--and I'm a Gene Wilder fan. I'm definately adding it to my "Must See" list. Cheerio!

"I'm a lover of beauty--and a beauty of a lover!"--The Court Jester


I agree, the Court Jester is a grat movie. I just got done watching it again. It's so much fun.

I like zany comedies like that.

Some other movies that I also like.
Princess Bride
Noises Off
Brain Donors
Top Secret
Better off Dead
The Blackadder series
I'm sure there are more, but there's something wilder about the older comedies that most movies don't even come close too anymore.


I absolutely love The Court Jester (my vote = 9/10) and think it is one of the best comedies - if not the best. I wonder if some people might take the humour in it a little too seriously and not enjoy it because some of the events are a bit ridiculous. These people are probably forgetting that the movie itself is one big jester designed purely to make us laugh at its crazy and idiotic antics. I love it! It's exactly how a comedy should be.

Getting back to your question, the first movie that popped into my mind to possibly rival the humour in TCJ is Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with Steve Martin and Michael Caine. The scene where Martin plays the (shall we say) "challenged" brother Rupert/Freddy is a great showcase of Martin's comedic talents. If you haven't seen it I'd highly recomment it.

"Excuse me, may I go to the bathroom please."
"Of course you may."
(long pause)
" ..... thank you."

"Rupert, don't take the cork off the fork!"

"Freddy, I'd like you to meet someone."
"No Freddy, she's not our mother."
" .. Not mother?"

"Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!"

This is your life, and you're living it one minute at a time.


It's good to hear from other fans of this great movie.

I'd seen DRS, when it first came out, but not since. I remember thinking there were some great comic moments, but my memory of it has become vague. I'll have to give it another look.

If you like Martin (and I used to--I haven't cared for him in recent films) then you should check out All of Me if you haven't already. Though it lags a bit near the end, some of the scenes are SO insanely hilarious, like when (not to give anything away) Martin is first getting used to his new "head mate," or during the trial, when Martin, the attorney representing the defendant, falls asleep. Utter lunacy! Cheerio!

"I'm a lover of beauty--and a beauty of a lover!"--The Court Jester


Actually, a while back when he was younger, Steve Martin was probably one of
the ONLY modern comedians in the world who could have MAYBE played the
Court Jester ALMOST^_~ as well as Danny Kaye (I'd say that Steve Martin's
getting a bit long in the tooth these days, though! ^_~). I love Steve Martin's work
especially in A Simple Twist of Fate, which was not a comedy but had several
excellent comedic moments, and in which he played somebody caring/loving/gentle
(and potentially even "romantic" etc.) AND funny (that kind of thing was also a big
part of Danny Kaye's style, although NOBODY, but NOBODY, could EVER do
any of it QUITE LIKE Danny Kaye! ^_^ he really was one of the greats! ^_^
brilliant! ^_^). Steve Martin in Roxanne (even longer ago, when he was even
younger ^_~) was also playing that sort of style, only funnier and sillier
(he almost WAS^_~ a kind of "court jester" character in that movie! ^_~).

I think that the people who think that Jim Carrey is right for The Secret Life of
Walter Mitty (the older version of which also starred Danny Kaye) are probably
thinking along the lines of casting someone DIFFERENT from Danny Kaye
(for instance, because James Thurber, the author, supposedly thought
that Danny Kaye was all wrong for that part in the first place [see Trivia etc.
for that movie]). But what I=^__^= purr=^__^=sonally think^_^ is this:
(He always^_^ brought that special^_^ touch to all^_^ his movies. ^_^
[And also, that particular^_^ OLD^_^ CLASSIC^_^ brand of zany^_~
(another word for a jester ^_~) comedy^_~ is just simply one of
my=^__^= FAVORITE^_^ styles^_^ in the whole world!!! =^__^=])

DANNY^_^ KAYE^_^ FOREVER^_^!!! =^___^=

Kit =^___^=


Bits of The Slipper and the Rose (1976, Richard Chamberlain) remind me a little
of the style of The Court Jester (no, not THAT zany^_~ etc., but cute comedy
coupled with clever lyrics, and about courts/kingdoms/etc. [yes, I=^__^= AM^_^
using lots^_^ of^_^ c's^_^ on purpose!!! I=^__^= love^_^ alliteration^_^!!!
and so does whoever wrote the lyrics for The Slipper and the Rose!!! ^_^]).
Anyway, that's only 20 years later, so it's not "now" either. (Bottom line,
they just don't make 'em like that any more...sigh.)

Kit =^__^= (I=^__^= love^_^ older^_^ movies^_^!!! [well, some^_^ of^_^ my=^__^=
favorites^_^ are kind of middle-aged, actually (and^_~ about the Middle Ages!!! ^_~)]


This movie is soooo funny, very much because there are so many good actors in it. I think I laughed the most when Kaye has "passionate" scenes with the terrific Angela Lansbury, you know, when he "snaps" out and in. When Kaye had a good script he was one of the very best comedians. "I'd like to get in, get on with it, get it over with and get out. Get it? Got it? Good." is a classic :-)


"I'd like to get in, get on with it, get it over with and get out. Get it? Got it? Good."

One of my FAVORITE^_^ parts too (and VERY^_^ quotable, but it has to be said
just right [with the right comedic timing, etc.! ^_~].)

"Get it? Got it? Good." =^___^=



Hi! So, our paths crossed long before our interchanges on the Vertigo thread about its funniest bits (very UNfunny compared with this).

It's hard to think of a 5 min. stretch in this film where you don't go into a belly laugh at least once. That whole scene with Lansbury is a riot! Of course his alterations between cowardly and courageous as he is snapped in and out and his tearing aside the curtains and then hiding behind them is a scream.

I was trying to think of a scene that no one has mentioined that's pretty funny either here or on one of the other threads here, and I thought of Kaye challenging Sir Griswald to a duel. Not quite up there with the greatest scenes, but hilarious nonetheless.


"Nothing in this world is more surprising than the attack without mercy!"--Little Big Man


la Kaye? Last time I saw him, he was a guy.


Picky, picky! Actually, the "la" is correct in French--it was the "viva" which was in error. Should have been "Vive."

Fighting for Truth, Justice, and making it the American way.


Yes, Oscar worthy

got salt?


Yes, too bad Oscar generally remains prejudiced against comic performances.

Fighting for Truth, Justice, and making it the American way.


Definitely. His ability to completely change his entire demeanor at the (literal) snap of a finger is particualry impressive.

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Thanks for commenting! Needless to say, I agree!

Fighting for Truth, Justice, and making it the American way.
