anybody think this movie could be remade now without it being ruined? it would have to be a director who knows how to have fun, like maybe Robert Zemmekis with back to the future. i don't know if it would do well in theaters because there's not much room for musicals these days, but i think it would be interesting to see.
Maybe Baz Luhrman could do it... He did a good job with his musical movies (even though Moulin Rouge wasn't to many people's tastes). He seems to be the only one brave enough to do muscials that aren't kids cartoons.
Actually, while watching it, all I could think of is how well-suited it would be to modern day Bollywood. I already started casting some of my favorite Indian actors and actresses in my head!
I came on imdb today to look up some Danny Kaye movies, and there seems to be a *rash* of "remake" threads attached to classic films such as this one.
Why do people want to remake fantastic old movies--why can't you watch the originals and enjoy them? Why can't Hollywood be creative enough to write something *new*?
Sure, bringing back musicals would be fun. Write new ones! Leave old movies alone, they're amazing as they are.
It always upsets me so when they remake a perfectly good movie. For instance, there was no need to remake Ocean's 11, they got it right the first time. That's my big thing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
i also agree with the 'if it aint broke, don't fix it' stance. why ruin sucha perfect movie. some remakes, ON OCCASION, are done well, but this is the kind of movie that no-one will ever remake, and for good reason. a movie like this is not the kind that should be remade in this day and age, no one would understand it for one terms of the masses. It would be a complete waste of everyone's time. also, NO-ONE CAN OR SHOULD REPLACE DANNY KAYE one really tends to recreate such original and individual (for lack of a more accurate term) movies.
...although i do agree with what someone said earlier, they need to bring back musicals!! =]
I loathe the idea of a remake. Too many awesome movies have been remade and sucked.
But...I saw this picture of Danny with Louis Armstrong, and thought "Wow, he looks kinda like Ryan Stiles in that pic" I wonder if Ryan could pull off the role?
Only problem is, if Hollywood remade it, theyd put Bruce Willis in as Hubert Hawkins and turn it into an action flick where they burn down half the country...
This is a Danny Kaye film. There's plenty of room for the other actors to strut their stuff, but Kaye is the center. There is no way to remake it without reimagining it for other performers. And what would be the point?