Italian Court???

WHICH Italian court? There were like twenty or so independent states in what is today Italy: the Papal States, the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Kingdom of Sicily, the Republic of Venice, the independent cities of Florence, Genoa, Parma, Pisa, Siena and several others.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


WHICH Italian court?

Who cares? As Hawkins said, "the Italian Court? What better place to court Italians." Hilarious. Cecil Parker as the King was just a riot in this exchange with Danny.


Italians don't think of themselves as Italians in the same way that Americans think of themselves as Americans. First and foremost they are children of their regions: Romans, Tuscans, Venetians, Parmesans, Lombards, Sicilians, Piedmontese, Calabrians, etc.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


That's true. Italians do not consider Sicilians Italian. However, I am an American, and never understood that way they felt in the "Old Country." But this was just a movie, and Hawkins was only impersonating the Jester, and I'm sure he didn't know one Italian Court from another. He was, merely a hapless carnival entertainer, lol.


It is certainly funny how he manages to think fast on his feet, a quality that most people wish they could have.
God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


That was the brilliance of the writers, the directors, and Danny Kaye himself. And, the King was not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, either. This is the funniest film ever made, in my opinion.


FGS this is a madcap comedy and not a geo-political history lesson of Italy !


There may have been "like" twenty or so independent states, but most of them were fighting for control of all of Italy. It stands to reason one would be favored over others when it comes to diplomatic relations with other countries. So whichever was in favor would be considered the proper Italy. There have been many people claiming to be King of all Italy when they only rule some Northern areas, etc... So if you're allied with someone claiming to be the King of Italy, and being a king, he has a court, why wouldn't you call that the Italian court?

Oh yeah. Also, it's just a silly movie.


Comedy movie, not documentary about Italian history and geography.


And Danny Kaye speaks with an American accent. Do we really think they're making any effort to be accurate?
