Too hot for little kids?

I've seen this movie a number of times and think it would be great for kids to see, but would the subject matter go over 5, 6 year olds' heads? And are the scenes between Danny and Glynis and Danny and Angela a little much for a younger audience?

Any opinions are appriciated

The only thing that comes to mind in comparison are the "Shrek" movies since they're PG and have adult themes, but don't help.


This has been my favourite movie since I was about 5 or 6. I was pretty much raised on it. I think it's a wonderful movie for kids.


I loved it as a kid! But, depending on your personal view as to what is suitable for children, some scenes might be questionable.

A short scene where Hawkins and Jean (not married) are forced by circumstance to lay together in a bed of straw might upset the sensibilities of some, but it is really very innocent.

The implication of witchcraft may offend some as well (my sister would not allow her daughter to see "Harry Potter", as her church warned the congregation that witchcraft was practiced in the movie), but it is all in fun---like a fairy tale.

The Princess Gwendolyn threatens a woman at knifepoint with death, and three men drop dead after a witch poisons them.

A wagonload of lusty-looking "wenches" (with rather full bodices) is wheeled in at one point presumably to serve as the kings personal paramours.

The tone of the movie is whimsical and comical, though, and many of the references would go over childrens heads.


Thank you.


You are Welcome.

By the way, I teach "A Streetcar Named Desire" every year. Is your screen name a nod to that play?


To the Italian Artist Della Robbia.


I guess Blanche's line about her jacket being 'Della Robia" blue is like 'Titian'-coloured hair

"What do you want me to do, draw a picture? Spell it out!"


As they often said at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire:

"If your kids get these jokes, it's not OUR fault."



Too true! My parents took me to see Pippin on Broadway when I was in fifth grade. It was choreographed by Bob Fosse. I loved the play, I loved the music and had the soundtrack on 8-Track. Although I knew the songs, I hadn't had the soundtrack since the 8-Track hit the dust. Enter Amazon about a decade ago, and I now have the CD and DVD..... I was SHOCKED by some of the choreography, but at 11 years old, didn't get it AT ALL. I wasn't shocked to see it, but shocked that my parents LET me see it at that age. What made an impression on me were the music, the story, the sound effects, and the use of the word 'bastard' in the script. Until that point, I had only seen it written on subway cars and bathroom stalls. As it turned out, it was used in proper context, which I thought was really cool, because that made it ok.


My grandmother showed me this for the first time when I was about 7, and I didn't particularly notice anything inappropriate. I picked up on the *romance*, sure, but nothing more really got through. I was always confused by their conversation in the woodcutter's cottage, lol. I grew up watching it and I don't think it affected me in any negative way - just kicked off my massive Danny Kaye addiction. :) And since all of the movies I've seen of his have been delightful and sweet and safe for kids to watch, I think it's a good addiction to have! I particularly enjoy anything where he acts with children (thinking of Hans Christian Anderson, here), he is so gentle and tender with them...


With respect to The Court Jester, the little that's "adult" in it will probably go right over your kids' heads. Frankly, most kids of that age won't understand the story at all.

The ratings board can be really weird. For example, Gone With the Wind has a G rating, when PG (or even PG-13) might be more appropriate.


Kids can turn on cable any time of day now and see things a million times worse than anything in this movie.


Little kids wouldn't...

"Get it?

GOT it."


Good !!!


Very good


Oh Gad! Let 'em see it! Overprotection doesn't do anybody any good.
