Family Resemblance?

How could Ernest Borgnine possibly have had a daughter who looked like Debbie Reynolds?



Yeah, Davis' side would certainly have added nice features to the gene pool. But a look like Borgnine's usually shows up in later generations and Reynolds' face is nothing like his.

Realistically, it would have been expensive and time-consuming for Hollywood to cast every relative visually convincingly in every film. But I enjoy the extreme incongruities, like Reynolds/Borgnine, Eugene Pallette in My Man Godfrey with the beautiful Carole Lombard and Gail Patrick as his daughters, or George Peppard and George Hamilton as half brothers in Home From The Hill.



When wasn't she?



Fabian wasn't one of O'Hara and Stewart's kids in "Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation." He was the love interest for their daughter.




She could have easily been Bette's daughter. They have similar eyes.


In her autobiography Debbie Reynolds was very complimentary about working with Davis and said she learned a great deal about the details of screen acting from her (such as working with props).

"I don't use a pen: I write with a goose quill dipped in venom!"---W. Lydecker


How about Barry Fitzgerald as Bette Davis' brother? Were they sired by a deranged leprechaun?

"Take 'em to Missouri"


..And how could Wallace Beery have been Jane Powell's father in "A Date With Judy"??

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything!"....


What about the accents? Davis with a New England patrician accent was playing urban and uneducated. Reynolds' accent is a mid-western non-accent which sounded all the more out of place when she spoke with bad grammar. Fitzgerald of course had the thick brogue. All I was thinking was, "Guh?"

There is a God


I couldn't help but be distracted by the accents. Hearing Davis' accent she used, I thought perhaps the family was Jewish. Then when Fitzgerald is referred to as the Uncle, I assumed he would be Borgnine's brother. Then they clarify that it's supposed to be Davis' brother. Wtf? I couldn't get past the difference in accents between Davis and Fitzgerald. I hadn't really considered Reynolds', but that does make matters worse.


I wouldn't say that Davis was using a "patrician" accent here at all. She's obviously speaking with a Bronx accent---though just how accurate it is, I can't say.

It is distracting that the accents of the family members don't match up, but after watching the film carefully at least the difference between Davis' and Fitzgerald's accents can perhaps be explained. He said in one scene that Davis and her sister had been born in the US, while he (much older than Davis) and his brothers were born in Ireland---and that at least three siblings were still living together in Ireland. So, for the accents to make sense, I'm assuming that the parents came to the US and left their older children behind, perhaps with other relatives, in Ireland (which wouldn't have been unheard of at the beginning of the twentieth century). Fitzgerald was either old enough when he arrived with his parents for his accent to "stick," or else he came over at a later date.


One nitpick - her accent. i can't tell what she's going for. Doesn't affect my opinion of her performance at all, but I'd love to know why she made the choice to try those particular speech patterns. It's not a NY accent that I'm aware of...any ideas?

That's a New England accent. Trust me.


I have a different accent from anyone else in my family. I have the regional accent of where I was raised which is different from where anyone else in my family was raised.

So Davis and Fitzgerald having different accents, not a problem. As explained by another poster, Fitzgerald's character was raised in Ireland while Davis' character was raised in the states.

As for Reynolds' accent --- well, Borgnine doesn't have a New York accent either. Some people do deliberately try not to pick up a regional accent especially if it has negative connotations.

EDIT 8-24-2014: Just rewatched this movie yesterday and have to disagree that Reynolds' spoke with a "mid-western non-accent." Reynolds was definitely trying to do a Bronx accent as that is not the normal way she speaks.


When a man loves a woman, and a woman loves a man, they get married. Then sometimes they love eachother so much that they lay down together. And then a baby comes.



Between the bulging eyes of Borgnine and Davis their offspring should have been similar.


Look at Warren Beatty and Shirley Mclaine - could a brother and sister look more different than each other? It happens.


So, in real life, how could a pair of parents as pretty as Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh produce Jamie Lee Curtis? It's because features and parts of features are passed on mostly randomly from one generation to the next, making allowances for dominant and recessive genes and mutations -- tending to average out, but at other times accentuating plain features. Liza Minnelli must be the unluckiest star ever, being a cute kid but by the time she was fully grown up inheriting none of the "best" facial features of a plain-looking mother and the worst ones of a bizarre-looking father. Luckily, she was talented, which is what matters isn't it?


Love Jamie's looks. Liza's looks are unique and I think much more interesting than her mother's, though her substance abuse hurt them.


Disagree. Liza was NEVER as beautiful as Judy in her prime.
