Favourite Lines

Beau: Women and swimming's pretty much the same.

Beau: Push ups, got to get those kinks out of my bones.

Virg (about Beau): You're only the 12th human being he's seen this year.

Beau (to Cherie): I'm going to get you any other electrical appliance you want. (Wow! What a chat up line ).

Beau (to Cherie again): I like you the way you are, so what do I care how you got that way. (Now that's a good line for wooing).

rouge silk,
fierce concentrated joy,
fires the blood


"They got us over here with the livestock!"


Cherie: "Well, it ain't exactly a diamond, but it ain't exactly not a diamond either!"

And she delivered the line in her best bubble-blondey style that she used to such great effect in her films, especially "Some Like it Hot". I think Tom Hanks must have channelled her performance when he created Forest Gump.
