Backlash on DVD.

There is now a Region 2 DVD of Backlash in Germany, available from traders like Amazon.De. The German title is DAS GEHEIMNIS DER FUNF GRABER - Umlauts over the U and A - and there are twin English and German soundtracks.

It's not a bad DVD by any means but not perfect either. It's in 4:3 ratio which is not correct for a 1956 movie but, when watching the DVD, only very occasionally do you sense the composition is wrong. There is a red mark on the print for a few minutes, and possibly the picture is a little darker than it should be.

None of these shortcomings detract from the pleasure of seeing this exciting and intriguing Western.


There is a real DVD of this movie out in France.It's called "Coup de Fouet en Retour".
The only problem is: the english version is with french subtitles.
There is also a french version with english subtitles.
I bought it on


What is the aspect ratio of this French DVD?


French dvd is from same source as the German - open matte 4:3 and on the dark side.

The matte should be below centre of the frame; ie more wasted space at the top, which is why the dvd composition looks so odd.
You can approximate to the correct matted frame by zooming the picture to fill your 16:9 TV screen, if your hardware will let you without screwing up the AR.


Thank you. I won't bother to buy the French DVD.

Perhaps we should all campaign to persuade Universal to release a proper DVD in the correct aspect ratio. Universal did release several Westerns on DVD a few years ago including some very minor Westerns. Why they excluded "Backlash" but included some B-feature Westerns is a mystery.


There is a Spanish company "Suevia Films" put out this film.
According to this site the aspect ratio is 1.33:1 but original ratio is 1.85:1.



It's not a bad DVD by any means but not perfect either. It's in 4:3 ratio which is not correct for a 1956 movie but, when watching the DVD
I have seen films from the mid-50's that were indeed shot with an Academy (1.37:1) aspect ratio intended. 2.0:1 is entered in the IMDb which sounds like this may have been shot in Superscope ?

Oh Lord, you gave them eyes but they cannot see...


The R-2UK DVD transfer is excellent. Comparing to the trailer, this widescreen film looks restored.

I dislike the cover-art; prefer a DVD cover based on the filmposter, common with R-1 DVD releases.


Thank you for your assessment of the Region 2 DVD. I think I'll buy this.


Queststar has had a version of Backlash out on VHS. I got a copy for a dollar at a library sale and the vhs can be burned to home-made dvd. It is just the movie but it beats anything on the commercial ridden AMC.


I found a Brazilian dealer(who is no longer selling on ebay) who sold me several westerns that were not available at the time on DVD in USA. This title was one of them. They can be set to play in English or in Portugese. This movie, as far as I know, is on VHS but very scarce and expensive when a copy comes available. I do not know if it is available on DVD in USA at this time but today, Oct 7, 2012 is is being broadcast on Encore Western Channel at 7 PM Central time and in earl AM hours tomorrow, Oct 8, 2012.
