MovieChat Forums > 1984 Discussion > 1984 vs Brave New World

1984 vs Brave New World

So what do you all think is the worst society, 1984 or Brave New World. This woman whose a college professor on literature and who teaches both books in her class says that Brave New World is the worst of the two societys. Even though Brave New World isnt seemingly as totallitarian as 1984, she says its worse because the way the government controls people is more hidden. They don't do it by viewing people through telescreens and having thought police all over the place watching people's every move, but instead they brainwash and program people before theyre even born (decanted in Brave New World) while theyre still in the womb (bottle) and so therefore they don't have to worry about a rebellion because people would be programmed to accept the system and go along with it and get high on soma. So she says its worse than 1984 because they control the very way you think with their various programming techniques, which no even in the society of 1984 are they able to do, although they come close, getting people to believe that one and one make three, and stuff like that.


In 1984, sanity carries the death penalty (eventually).

There's a chearful thought...


I would rather be in the Brave New World society than the 1984 one.

The BNW one is based on desire for happiness, 1984 is based on fear of pain and hatred.


1984 society is better, because it won't last.

Brave New World society is far more plausible, and far more effective to control people with.

Only the dead have seen the end of war.


I'd take Brave New world to 1984 any day. 1984 is probably worse than living in Utah and that's saying A LOT!
