MovieChat Forums > Queen Bee (1955) Discussion > How old was Crawford's character suppose...

How old was Crawford's character supposed to be?

She was 50 (fifty!) when Queen Bee was filmed and yet was competing sexually with women much younger for men who were younger too (Beauty and Jud were 7 and 9 years younger than she). Her youngest child was no more than about 6. Was Crawford playing about 10 or even 15 years younger than she was? I'm not saying she didn't pull it off - amazingly she pretty much did. What do the kids say these days? - I'd tap it.

You know me. I'm the same as you. It's two in the morning and I don't know nobody.


Eva was only probably somewhere in her 40s, but as one who had probably always used her looks to lure men, she dreaded aging, and, like Blanche DuBois, preferred low-key lighting to give the illusion of youth. It's interesting to observe the careful lighting Crawford got in films from the 1950s onwards - her "key light" was quite obvious and basically illuminated her face from her eyes down to her mouth.

Interesting that Crawford and Fay Wray were around the same age, and and had both been big stars in the late 1920s/early 1930s, yet Wray was semi-retired and playing character roles at this point - it was one of her last feature-film appearances. Crawford, of course, managed to carry on and on, until the embarrassing TROG in 1970.

"I don't use a pen: I write with a goose quill dipped in venom!"---W. Lydecker


Sorry...she DID NOT pull off looking young enough to have children that age.

Not to say that older women do not have babies, it's just that JC did not look
the 10 to 15 years younger that she was possibly portraying?



And she was TOO old for this part.

Another one she was way too old for was Monica Rivers in "Berserk."

Hillie, you are 100%. She looked like those kids' grandmother. And that heavy make-up just made her look older.

Bette Davis never played a role she was too old for; Joan made that mistake all the time.


My guess is that the character should have been no older than 35. But at that stage, Joan was well into her forties. She looked too old to have borne such young children. Barry Sullivan looked younger than she and John Ireland looked like he was in his 20's.

I keep thinking of Joan replacing her daughter on a soap opera - playing a character far too young for her.

"...truth against the world..." - attributed to Boudicca of the Iceni



The older she got, the more determinded she seemed to be to play 'seductive', sexy sirens, when she looked (as here) nothing more than a raddled old drag queen. Hilarious though she looked, your eye is always drawn to her on screen, even when she isn't speaking (which is rare).


I think Joan saw herself as "ageless."

"Queen Bee" is probably one of the more quintessential Crawford flicks. She does draw attention to herself, even if she is not saying anything.

Remember the scene where she is phoning in her excuse to get out of a dinner party and she lassoes Jud around the neck with the phone cord?

She has a lot of theatrical grand gestures in this movie and I notice that she attempts a Southern accent on a couple of occasions (I just love it!).

I love the scene where Dr. Pearson is reassuring her (and she doesn't remember his name) and she grandly holds out her hand to him.

Another great scene is near the end when she's primping and showing off the bracelet to Jud - she holds her arm out at full length and then draws it in sharpl to her chest, flashing the bracelet.

There is an earlier scene when Jennifer breaks the news of Carol Lee's suicide to Eva, and she goes through a series of facial gestures and hand motions and then schmears cold cream over the mirror.

Absolutely cheesy and the more the better!!!!!

"...truth against the world..." - attributed to Boudicca of the Iceni


OK.....John Ireland DID NOT look like he was in his 20's. He looked
every bit of 40+!



"Bette Davis never played a role she was too old for; Joan made that mistake all the time."

What about BEYOND THE FOREST? And dare I say onstage in NIGHT OF THE IGUANA



I think Joan looked terrific in her role. She kept her entire wardrobe from the film and I've seen photographs of her wearing one of the costumes at her wedding reception to Alfred Steele. I find her physical appearance to be much more attractive than the Botoxed, nipped, tucked appearance of today's celebrities at age 50(ish).


Oh, she kept herself in good shape but the makeup was way too exaggerated.

Those brows and that heavy lipstick......aging.


I think Joans too short hair was her biggest problem at that time.



If they had botox, I am sure Joan Crawford would have been in line for it.

But I do agree the women in their 50s today look horrible. I saw Meg Ryan not too long ago. She looks so plastic and the lips - they were horrible! There is a soap opera actress on one of the soaps still left. She too have tried to set back time, and she was once so beautiful, but looks bad. There is another one that has not done any of that and she looks so much better - and they are the same age. This obsession with youth, especially in the Hollywood crowd, is nuts. And just wait till the ones with all the tattoos age. The tramp stamp is really going to look bad with all those wrinkles!


Actually Crawford did look young for her age, but as she aged her hairdos and eyebrows got more and more ridiculous and outre. She also insisted on playing roles that were obviously designed for younger women (this one is no more in that category than "Flamingo Road", "The Damned Don't Cry!" or "Torch Song" or "Female on the Beach"). Granted, she didn't have much choice, since there aren't many roles for older actresses.


If Botox were available then, La Crawford would have been buying it in 55-gallon drums.

The contrast between her character in this flick and Harriet Craig which was made 5 years earlier, is marked. She looks younger in Craig which was made in 1950 - very cosmopolitan and soignee. In this film because she has such young children, we are led to believe she should be perhaps mid to maybe late thirties. I gathered that she had to be 30-ish when she married Beauty.

Botox and all these fillers and implants used to make their faces ageless these days to me only make them look like plastic masks. 5 years ago after major weight loss (200+ pounds) pushed me in the direction of a tummy tuck and thigh lipo. The thigh lipo was a nightmare and to this day I am still dealing with the aftermath. It isn't worth it. Anyone who wants me to look like a Barbie doll should spend the $40 instead, LOL.

Whatever happened to aging gracefully? Or to skillful employment of makeup artistry. Surgery or fillers is a quick fix - and what happens when they sag? Ironically my surgeon took some of the fat from the thigh lipo and injected some into the dark hollows under my eyes. They looked great for 2 years, and even now, not too bad, but I'd never go through it again. I'd rather skip to a skin care regimen (nothing costly), and my skin is supple. That's all I can ask at the age of 58. But I can only imagine Crawford and what she'd have done in this modern era.

English MA: Symbolism/my life. Truth vs the world - Boudicca of the Iceni


Are you talking about Hunter Tylo from B&B? I heard about her plastic surgery. I stopped watching the soap a long time ago. I agree, the amount of tattooes the young celebrities get is ridiculous! There is nothing wrong with getting a little work done, but many take it to far!



I didn't think Crawford looked too old. Plenty of people have late babies. She looked like Joan Crawford playing a bitch! Now check out the parents of the younger sister & brother in Alfred Hitchcock's 'Shadow of a Doubt'(1943). Now they were to old & they looked it! Henry Travers who played the father was born in 1874 ,making him 69 when the movie came out. Patricia Collinge who played the mother was born in 1892 making her 51. Teresa Wright who played older sister Charlie was born in 1918 making her 25.

Sheldon:"Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon".


Bette didn't want to play that role in "Beyond the Forest."

Crawford gleefully played femme fatales way past her time.


I agree, and although I have always enjoyed her movies I have never understood why anyone would think she was beautiful.



Bette Davis did do films with flashbacks to a younger self. Phone Call from a Stranger she played much younger and even in Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, arguably, in a dream sequence.

I think all actresses of the day had to play younger if they wanted to work.


Crawford was born in 1903 (and don't believe anything else) so she was 52 when she made QUEEN BEE.

However, it's not simply her "nubile" beauty which lures men, but her overwhelming, domineering will.



I also think that the fashions of the times and some hairstyles at times made women look older, and I think that's why Crawford sank her teeth into the role.

The hairstyle she wore in this film I thought was too old for the age I perceived for her character, which was about 35 or so. and her trademark eyebrows were a tad too dark as well, in contrast to what appears to be a lighter toned hairdo.

I absolutely loved her wardrobe - the tea gown trimmed with mink, the evening gowns, just everything. For a woman of 50+ she kept herself extremely trim. She also has the bearing to carry off those costumes with panache.

English MA: Symbolism's my life. "Truth vs the world" - Boudicca of the Iceni


Crawford was born in 1903 (and don't believe anything else) so she was 52 when she made QUEEN BEE.
Where are you coming up with that 1903 year, and how are you so certain about it?

Crawford's actual year of birth is unknown and has, to my knowledge, never been precisely known to anyone but her mother.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


Crawford's actual year of birth is unknown and has, to my knowledge, never been precisely known to anyone but her mother.

Even without knowing the actual year Crawford was born you can gage her age from her work. She was doing silent films. It isn't to hard to look at her back then and guessitmate how age in her early films. Plus she had a brother ,Hal Le Sueur, who wasn't hiding his age. Not to mention everyone comes from somewhere. Just because she didn't tell her age doesn't mean over the years relatives, neighbors and school friends who knew her as Lucille LeSueur- didn't.



