MovieChat Forums > Picnic Discussion > I wonder.......

I wonder.......

Films of years gone by alluded to sex, left it up to
the mind of the viewer.

So, that being said......
Were we to believe the characters of Madge and Hal engaged
in sexual intercourse
with the of force of train roaring by for symbolism as they lay together
in the moonlight?

What about Rosemary (school teacher)and Howard?
She certainly appeared to be ready for some action and
they were both fairly intoxicated. Got home real late too.
Rosemary says, "You GOT TO marry me Howard" afterward.

Opinions? Thoughts?


I say for sure about Madge and Hal, though not convinced about Rosemary and Howard. I wonder if the play made this more clear.


As for Rosemary and Howard, I thought it was because she'd made such a fool of herself publicly, over Hal and she was so stinking drunk, that she felt that the only way she could hold her head up was to marry someone respectable like Howard because otherwise she would just be a joke.

Interestingly, the other women didn't have a problem with Rosemary's behavior the next day.

As for Madge, Me, I'd have gone for the rich son.

Always the officiant, never the bride.
