MovieChat Forums > Picnic Discussion > Kissing by the train tracks and then ...

Kissing by the train tracks and then ...

... the train swooshing by in the background just before they have sex. That's some awesome symbolism right there.

What other movies have scenes like this? The fireworks going off behind Grace Kelly and Cary Grant in "To Catch a Thief" come to mind.


One of The Naked Guns goes way over the top with symbolism in a bedroom scene: the opening of a rose, trains speeding into tunnels, rockets blasting off, even a man getting shot out of a cannon...


...mustard being slathered on a hot dog in a bun; a slam-dunked basketball. I loved that movie!

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Nice mention of Hitchcock's TO CATCH A THIEF symbolism, but there's a better one:

At the very end of NORTH BY NORTHWEST, when Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint are finally out of danger and ready to get business in their private sleeper car aboard the train, they embrace and recline on the bed...

...and Hitchcock cuts to the last shot of the film--a train entering a tunnel!

. . . there's always room for Jello!
