MovieChat Forums > Mister Roberts (1955) Discussion > Stupidity about the 'plot-hole' goof

Stupidity about the 'plot-hole' goof

In the goofs section, some obtuse contributor put in a submission that's supposed to be a plot hole:

Just before Roberts leaves the ship Dolan tells him the Captain has had a new palm tree dug up and placed a 24-hour guard around it. But when Pulver later goes to throw the palm overboard, there is no guard anywhere near it.
Come on! This is not a plot hole, because:

1) Dolan said it was under "24 hour watch", he never mentioned nor implied that someone was to stand guard literally next to it. Standing watch on a ship means that one or more crewman is looking after something (usually out to sea for an enemy attack) from anywhere on deck. And Pulver, performing his cargo officer duties at the time, that also meant probably that he was supposed to be overseeing the watch at that time too. And at this time in the movie, the captain still liked and very much trusted Pulver, so he had no reason to doubt Pulver's responsibility for the ship's watch.

2) I'm guessing, but from the way he was speaking, I'm pretty sure Dolan was just using hyperbole anyway.

3) It's pretty obvious that the entire crew detests the palm just as much as Roberts and Pulver (recall during the general alarm when the captain saw that the first palm was missing after Roberts tossed it overboard; when the crew found out, they were doing the worshiping motion from their knees at the empty pot), so even if there was one of them guarding over it, they probably wouldn't have really tried to stopped Pulver, and they probably had a bunch of excuses on hand to give the captain for why they failed. And Pulver could have pulled rank and got them to step-aside anyway.


4) No matter what, it's all moot, because Pulver marches straight up to the captain's quarters immediately after he tosses the second palm overboard, and the first thing he tells the captain is that he just did it.

Really, I just don't understand how IMDB let's contributors to get away with this kind of stupid thinking.


I think I submitted the goof in question, and if IMDb were to eliminate all the stupid or ungrammatical thinking on these boards there'd be about 14 posts left, but as to your points:

1. I don't recall now whether Dolan said 24-hour "watch" or "guard", but that's a distinction without a difference. It's clear that the palm tree is supposed to be watched and guarded -- watched over, if you like -- so that no one touches it. It does not necessarily mean that safeguarding the palm is the duty of the regular "watch" officer, and there's nothing stated in the movie to assume that this is what was meant. Plainly (and this is also clear from the play), the idea is that the palm tree was being guarded separately, and continually, apart from whoever was the OD or had the watch. The Captain's paranoia about the palm, and his extreme measures to protect it, are also consistent with his setting up a special guard.

2. There is no indication whatsoever that Dolan was using hyperbole. Quite the opposite, it's clear he was matter-of-factly reporting the literal truth.

3. It's more than "pretty obvious" that the whole crew detests the palm tree: it's one of the central points of the plot. So you're correct, it's probable that the person watching/guarding the palm would have let anyone throw it overboard and just risked the Captain's wrath with a bunch of phony excuses. But all this is beside the point: the fact is, there's no one anywhere near the palm, or no one on watch who comes running over, when Pulver throws it overboard. The goof says only that no guard is visible; whether a guard would have just let someone toss the palm overboard is completely irrelevant. In fact, your point concedes the notion that a guard was supposed to be there.

4. The fact that Pulver marches right into the Captain's cabin to tell him what he'd done is also utterly irrelevant. Again, the goof merely points out -- correctly -- that the supposed 24-hour guard (or watch) is nowhere in sight. Right or wrong, the goof has nothing to do with Pulver's actions after throwing the palm into the ocean. Therefore, nothing is rendered "moot". This point is senseless as well as irrelevant.

Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean it's the product of "stupid thinking". That three of your four points are either unfounded by any fact or are totally beside the point may not be the product of "stupid thinking" (I try not to make mindless insults), but they're hardly examples of sharp, observant or insightful thought.


Funny; the play makes this much clearer.

The captain did indeed have an armed guard watching the plant. In the scene in question, Pulver tells the guard to go take a smoke break and he'll watch the plant for him. The guard, of course, agrees and takes off, after which Pulver tosses the plant and tells the captain. Not sure why the movie took a different approach, but that's how it happened in the play.

Here's to the health of Cardinal Puff.


That's right, Mainwaring_Rules, and thank you. You help prove my point.
