...it ends way to quickly. There is no resolution as to whether Marty and Clara start their relationship. There is also no final confrontation with us mother (like he had with Angee). I like this movie, but it ends way to quickly. It very easily could have been a 2.5 hour movie, and I don't mind that when it comes to simple and down to earth movies like these.
I feel the implication is *beyond* strong that they're a go - superfluous to put into words, add text-before-credits, show a wedding, etc. As for Mom; her look to her sister when he started talking about the house falling apart told us she was aware of things to come!
...there was absolutely no NEED for the film to be longer. I can understand YOUR need for closure, yet, if you allow me, that's a shallow way to perceive films. At least when they are complete in what they're trying to say. And what Marty tried to tell us was that "at some point in life one has to grow up and think/act for himself" (among a few other things as well). Its target was not to have a "fulfilling" story with a happy ending. You can imagine for yourself if you wish, what would happen with "Carla" and "Marty". Plus, why would "starting a relationship" be adequate enough for you anyway...? Wouldn't you think that we should have seen whether they do get married or not after all? And how about from then on? But just exactly because this WASN'T "a simple and down to earth movie", the director didn't falter into destroying it by giving us "completion". Actually, I'm pretty damn sure it wouldn't have earned a "best film" statue, had he done such a blunder...This film cries out "my job is done - now it's up to you to get your imagination going if you like, but you should rather focus on pondering over other important stuff that has been conveyed here" (such us give it a minute to think about how wrong it really is to label people, in accordance with what other idiots have to say, and even indirectly ruin YOUR OWN life by doing it).
For all we know, Marty and Betsy never found common grounds considering communication and sharing stuff in life, after they took the 1st step in appreciating the special qualities of each others'. For what we all also know, Marty's mother instead of turning into the same "old goat" her sister was, soon came to her senses after realizing that her son's object of interest is (probably) not one to actually give her problems like her sister seemingly persuaded her she actually would, after overcoming her premature fear (which was by all means logical/natural to emerge, I might add). But all these do not matter, since life is a continuous struggle anyway, either when it comes to dealing with career issues, or dealing with relatives etc. What DID matter was to take that very first step (I'm referring to Marty now btw), in an ATTEMPT to change his life's course, before the others changed it to the worse possible one, with their miserable guidelines and examples...
I visit a lot of movie boards on here and I am really surprised at the number of people that don't like the endings of movies that don't spell it out for them. I guess it's a new age of students that are not taught the art of literature and story telling in school.
In this case I think Paddy Chayefsky would be spinning if he read someone read his work (any of his work) and then asked that it be explained for them.
Reminds me of Vern in Stand By Me when he asks Gordo what happens next in the pie eating contest, there are a lot of Vern's in the world.
I'm thankful on my part as well, 'cause the mail notification of your reply to it gave me the chance to come and take another look at it, only to find that it had a ridiculous amount of misspellings, grammar and syntax errors - which I have been trying to correct for the last 10' or so and I now wish it looks less sloppy to the future visitors of the thread... :)
IMDB signature : Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past[/i]
It's not a need for closure or resolution that the film should be longer. It's just weird to introduce the complication/misunderstanding five minutes before the end of the movie, and then so quickly resolve it like that. It's a good movie (6/10), but oddly structured/paced for sure.
Both Marty and Clara reached milestones. Marty rejected his friend's ideas and decided to live his own life. Clara decided to grow up and accept employment and begin to stand on her own two feet. This was the point of the movie.
Marty buys the butcher shop and asks Clara to marry him after a short courtship. Why date a long time at their age and spot in life? Life was passing them by and they needed to get going on it.
Clara takes the new job, learns to drive, and buys a car, marries Marty. They together can afford a nice little house not too far from the butcher shop and she drives to work. It was probably more important for Marty to stay close to his customers neighborhood.
Marty gets his merchant friends together into a Co-Op, similar to a walmart or Costco today or a supermarket. He becomes very successful.
His friends drift away into lives of their own and he and Clara are busy with children and work and family.Marty's mom and his aunt live happily in the big house and their granchildren visit often.
Clara's parents are also a big part of their life. She would never leave them out.
I don't feel I am making this up as Marty and Clara's possible future life! It was implied all the way thru the second half and especially when he says he is going to call her, have a date for NYs EVe and why doesn't his friend get a girlfriend? We already know both Clara and Marty are ready for this.
So Paddy Chayefsky didn't need to write additonal dialogue, it was all plain as the nose on your face what he would have written.
I also think Marty's mother would have been continually baffled by Clara.
The climax was Marty's deciding to get back in touch with Clara after his friends and family tried to discourage him. He showed he was able to think and act independently and in his (and Clara's) own interests. An enduring relationship between the two was definitely implied because they seemed to have a high degree of compatibility and communicated so well.
Bingo ... overcoming negative peer pressure, and also not judging women based on their looks ... this movie was way ahead of its time in a way, very progressive.
I thought there was a scene where Marty goes to her house to pick her up, but I must be projecting my ending. I voted this movie a 10, so I would have loved more. But as people have posted, both Marty and Clara reached milestones in their lives. Each looking towards a future, whatever it was.
If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world
Personally, the ending didn't bother me at all. I just assumed it was the beginning of a long lasting relationship that would have continued into marriage. I felt that if it showed the progression of the relationship, it would have been belittling the audience's intelligence because we all know where the two were headed.
The movie didn't need to be longer, but I liked these people so much and found their story so engaging that I didn't want them to go, I wanted to stay with them a little longer. I guess that's a sign of a good movie.