Where was it filmed?
Does anyone know where this movie was filmed? The mountains look a lot like north central New Mexico, but even as a native of that area, I can't quite place the plaza or the little church. Anyone have any ideas?
shareDoes anyone know where this movie was filmed? The mountains look a lot like north central New Mexico, but even as a native of that area, I can't quite place the plaza or the little church. Anyone have any ideas?
shareIMDb lists filming locations of most films- go to any film's main page and look on the lefthand side of the page for links to all sorts of info and trivia available for each film. In this movie's case there are 6 New Mexican filming locations listed.
In the trailer in the features section Stewart mentions Santa Fe.
shareI have lived in Santa Fe New Mexico for about 10 years now and there is a film ranch about 8 miles further on from where we live (The Evans Film Ranch just beyond the historic village of Galisteo). The history of the ranch was recently given in the local paper and they said one of the earliest films made there was The Man From Laramie (1955). Consequently, I have viewed the film many times to try and make out the various locations. The film ranch was expanded greatly for the film Silverado with Kevin Kline and Kevin Costner (it is said that this part was Kevin Costner's pay-back from director Lawrence Kasdan for being cut out of The Big Chill). Much of the ranch was burnt to the ground during the filming of The Wild Wild West and since it was re-built countless westerns for both film and TV have been filmed there (the most recent was Edge, a pilot for a forthcoming TV western paying homage to the Spaghetti Western). Anyway the main location filmed at the ranch was the old man's ranch, The Barb. The old lady's ranch (the woman who wanted to hire Stewart) was a ranch that
lies just north of the village of Galisteo and is not part of the Evan's Film Ranch. I am not sure where the salt flats sequence was filmed, but since a disclaimer at the very beginning of the film said it was filmed entirely in New Mexico, I am thinking these scenes were filmed at the White Sands Monument in the southwestern part of NM about 200 miles from Santa Fe - you may remember the scene in Silverado where Kevin Kline is set upon by a bad guy and is left only with his long johns - that was filmed at White Sands (White Sands is also the Trinity a-bomb site). The main location that I am wondering about was the town of Coronado. It is too authentic in most of it's details to not have been filmed in one of the NM Pueblos. Hollywood at this point just couldn't have made anything that authentic looking. I think there were additions
to the existing Pueblo done to make it look more town-like, but I think it really was one of our Pueblos. I believe someone has said it was Taos, but the mountains behind are not tall enough and knowing the Taos Pueblo as I do, I do not think they would have allowed such extensive filming to be done there (read Pueblo Revolt and you may get some feeling for the attitude of many of the Pueblos toward us Anglos). The mountains in the distance look like the Truchas Peaks so Peoblo they used may have been the Truchas Pueblo or the Picuris Pueblo. Can anyone shed some light on this?
After writing my first addition, I saw that there are 6 filming locations listed. After reviewing these, I am questioning where this info is coming from - we are given no attributions here. I question some of these locations for the following reasons:
Bonanza Creek Ranch - The Bonanza Creek Ranch did not exist as a filming location in 1955. I believe whoever put this
location list together, mixed up the Bonanza Creek Ranch with the Evans Film Ranch. The Evans
Film Ranch, probably because it is larger and affords much better views, is used much more
by film companies than Bonanza Creek Ranch.
Window Rock Arizona - I question this since a disclaimer at the beginning of the credits says the movie was filmed
entirely in New Mexico. Also, after viewing the movie several times with an eye for locations, I
can see nothing that looks like the Window Rock area. If there is someone out there that can
tell me otherwise, please, please respond.
Taos Pueblo - This is another case where I think someone says "Oh, that look like the Taos Pueblo" and it becomes
written in stone. The Tesuque Pueblo is listed later as a location site, and I do think that pueblo was
the one used as the town of Coronado. The mountains in the background would correspond with the
Truchas Peaks area. The town of Coronado, if you look closely, is much too authentic in its details to
have been a Hollywood construct. I believe they used the Tesuque Pueblo (just a few mile north of
Santa Fe) and made some additions to make it more town-like. From my knowledge of the Taos pueblo,
I do not think they would have allowed such extensive filming in 1955.
If there is someone out there that tell me how this location list was put together or has any ***first-hand*** knowledge
about the filming locations, could you please respond.