did any 1 else cry!!!

When they went into the pound...and all of the dogs were crying....i watched it yestrerday...so sad..




It's romantic. And beautiful.


i cried too!

Go to http://thesecret.tv/ It WILL change your life!



Didn't realise that!...lol



Oh yeah, that scene got to me the last time watched it about a year or two ago, because I got a big black lab at home and I love him and my cats. Just seeing those poor dogs and puppies in that place was just heartbreaking.

Shinigami 5:18
The God of Death has just kicked your ass!


OMG - that scene is sooo heartbreaking :(
Especially those puppies that lie there and the tears roll down their cheeks, and that other dog standing with it's paws through the fence. Awwwwww *starts to well up*

''I tell you I'm thirsty and you offer me a sandwich. Thank you and *beep* you"


It's so sad because it reminds me of when I took my first trip to the pound, poor kittens were sick and they were crying and begging for freedom, the whole Dog Pound part always makes me cry and a little disturbed(especially when they took that dog into the back room and there's creepy music in the background)



this movie is so beautiful and romantic- but i agree that scene is just heartbreaking! i cry every time!

you're defacing the hotness!



yep, guilty. it's very sad. does anyone remember any part of that being used for a humane society ad? i sort of do, but i can't place it.


Yesterday I watched this with my puppies to see if they would react to seeing dogs on screen. I haven't seen this movie in years. When the pound scene came on I couldn't control myself. It was too sad! I had to cry. Then I felt ridiculous.


Ha actually I am a lot more lame. I don't cry at the pound, I cry during "Bella Notte." The part where Lady is looking up at the sky (there's a star in her eye!) I just tear up for some reason and I have NO IDEA WHY!

"Just close your eyes...but keep your mind wide open."


I sob like a baby during that part! I work in a daycare and want to take the movie in for the kids to watch but I'm afraid of embarassing myself in front of them because I know I'll cry when that part comes on! Maybe I'll just sneak out of the room at that point, LOL.

"No, no smoking in bars now, and soon no drinking and no talking!"


It is a very sad scene, I get goosebumps just thinking about it (also when Trusty howls during the chase and when Jock howls after Trusty is run over). Thankfully most humane societies have become exactly that - humane :)


I didn't dry but that scene was very disturbing.

I want Sean Whalen! I want him bad!


My heart breaks, at that scene. Also when Trusty gets injured.

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com


Oh...the whole Bella Notte sequence does it for me too. The part that gets me everytime is during their stroll in the park when the acapella singers come in. It's so beautifully sung and romantic.


Of all the Disney movies I've seen, Lady and the Tramp is a movie I still can't watch. Because some of the scenes are somewhat heartwrenching. The pound scene is really no ecxeption. It's that scene the main reason why I still can't watch it because it too sad for me.





Of all the Disney movies I've seen, Lady and the Tramp is a movie I still can't watch.

Can't watch? I can't even spend time on this page! Talk about your childhood traumas! I better get going before I embarrass myself in the workplace...



Yeah, that part's sad.

That two-faced son of a jackal!


That scene brought tears to my eyes, it does everytime, everytime I see that scene it makes me love my dog even more and thankful that he's mine and here in my home and not in a place like that.



I've always liked to think that someone came for each and every single one of them!

I'm gonna die unless you kill me!


Yes I did :'(

Seamus Finnigan has stolen my heart
