Evil Aunt Sarah
Did anyone else just want to kill this nasty piece of work!?! Aunt Sarah's probably the most annoying character in a disney film. Why was she such a biatch?
"What are you looking at, ya hockey puck?"
Did anyone else just want to kill this nasty piece of work!?! Aunt Sarah's probably the most annoying character in a disney film. Why was she such a biatch?
"What are you looking at, ya hockey puck?"
She was annoying and she is one of those cat lovers who think dogs are cruel and evil. I dont like people like that. I love dogs and cats. I wanna dog that looks like Tramp =] though he is a mutt and no one really knows what he is a mix of but IIve seen that he might be part terrier.
She was annoying and she is one of those cat lovers who think dogs are cruel and evil. I dont like people like that.
Yes, she was a horrible woman. However she was perfectly placed in the film because it made you feel sorry for Lady and love her even more.
shareShe was awful nbut she was the needed villian I guess.What gets me the most was that the cats were the real danger to the baby neither Lady or the Tramp would have harmed any child.
What gets me the most was that the cats were the real danger to the baby neither Lady or the Tramp would have harmed any child.
I did. In fact, if I were to remake the film for Touchstone, I would have her be raped and murdered by an intruder in her home.
She too changes her mind though, remember at the end when Darling asks where the dog biscuits that Aunt Sarah sent for Christmas were.
She's not inherently evil, just a mad old cat lady being a little overprotective of her nephew. Jim Dear and Darling don't even get a chance to speak to her when she arrives, she immediately sends them packing - long before they get a chance to explain Lady's relationship with the baby.
Yeah but I don't think she really counts as Disney Villian. She is hardly in this movie, like a lot of Villians in other story, and they bring her in, like what I think half way through. When a lot of other villians we are itnrouced to earlier, and why they are there, how they play apart to the story and what they are after. Some of the male villians if not them all, have been after the main Disney female character, that she rejects, like Gaston, Jafar, and Frollo. There are 3 villians right there, with movies that are all released in the 1990's.
shareAnyone ever notice that she just leaves the baby at home when she goes to get Lady muzzled? That and leaving the baby's window open in a rainstorm? Not to mention the old wives tale that cats suffocate babies and she brings two cats with her?
If I were Jim Dear I would have never let that neglectful wench anywhere near my kid again... of course I also probably wouldn't be dragging my wife on a business trip less than a few weeks after he was born... but this just me (and being the protective parent at that)
BTW, where were those two cats when the rat got into the house?
Probably hiding out somewhere.
My inclination is to refrain from being too harshly judgmental about Aunt Sarah. She could have been woefully ill-informed and prejudiced against dogs while being well-meaning and not fundamentally evil. We did not see her reaction when Lady revealed the dead rat, as the movie cut to Jock and Trusty as they learned what had happened and began their pursuit of the dogcatcher's wagon. At the end it was mentioned that she had sent some dog biscuits for Christmas. I could read between the lines and imagine that she apologized and made amends.