questions about ending

Why did the giant octopus not destroy the submarine it caught, and not eat the 2-3 divers that tried to plant explosivs on it? I gave this a 6/10, not my favourite Harryhausen work.

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart: "Bring some men with you, I feel as naked as a baby in its bath."


I just wrote it off to being weakened by the flame throwers. With its last ounce of strength, it lashed out at the submarine and wouldn't let go.

"Are you in the army?"
"No man, I just have short hair."


Did the special harpoon pierce the octopus's head before they sent the divers out? I guess that could cause crippling pain.


Sad to say, even though I just saw this for the first time yesterday, I'm not positive. But I'm pretty sure the special torpedo would have been launched before the divers went out. I think it just latched on the sub while they were trying to get far enough away to detonate.

"Are you in the army?"
"No man, I just have short hair."


That was my impression. Then the divers had to go out to try and get the sub loose before they could detonate the torpedo.


The capture was actually a continuity blooper. The Capt. had brought the sub to a dead stop some distance from the creature, but it was quickly moving toward the beast when it was caught.


Want to know why the Navy sub was not destroyed yet several civilian vessels had been? It's should be obvious that the US Navy could not be seen as weak, even in a sci-fi movie! What would those commie Russians of thought(given the cold war year this was shown) if an American sub was easily destroyed, even by a make-believe beast! America had to be seen always as strong, even against alien creatures! Surprised no-one else grasped that as i did at the end when that sub should of been snapped in half, as well as destroyed in the opening scenes! However that would of meant that the lead actor would have died and we would of missed an actually fairly erotic(given the time in the mid-fifties) moment with that seductive kiss with the good professor whats-her-name! lol


at the beginning of the movie,It explained that the Sub was the latest built, with the strongest armor and the best of engineering, I guess that explains it

Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw
