MovieChat Forums > The Gun That Won the West (1955) Discussion > Things I learnt from watching 'The Gun T...

Things I learnt from watching 'The Gun That Won the West' Spoiler Alert*

1. "Buffalo Bill type wild west shows were already happening back in the late 1860's if that indeed was when the film was set. It was kind of confusing.

2. The Army and Secretary of Defence (Offence?) were pretty honest and transparent when dealing with Jim Bridger. They said the current treaty didn't suit them and it would be better for all, if the Sioux were pushed into Cheyanne lands and army forts were built on Sioux lands (to keep the peace).

3. Even though Bridger and "Dakota" Jack Gaines had apparently been on good terms with Chief Red Cloud, they quickly agreed to help the army. Well Gaines's wife agreed for him as he was too drunk to know what was happening.

4. When the cavalry needs to pick up 3 important visitors and transport them to an isolated fort in the middle of injun country they will send one trooper driving a small cart pulled by two donkeys??

5. If the party is attacked by a Sioux war party, the donkeys will be athletic and quick enough to just about outrun the war party.

6. The war party will be scared off by one of the party being wounded and will take no measures to prolong the attack or rescue their man, who happens to be Chief Red Cloud's second-in-command.

7. When attempting to negotiate a new treaty with the Sioux, the army will simply make promises such as "trust us" and "the iron horse will bring prosperity to everyone" to the indians.

8. When negotiations break down, Colonel Carrington will immediately solve the problem by leading out an expeditionary force to provoke the Sioux.

9. Every time Colonel Carrington's force experience difficulties, he will consult Bridger who has a bright idea.

10. Alcoholism in the old west can be cured in a couple of weeks; maybe even less.

11. When holding a prisoner among a war camp with hundreds of people, Red Cloud will be silly enough to send a guard to check the prisoner with the one new Springfield rifle that he took off the prisoner, allowing the prisoner (Gaines) to escape with his rifle after he overpowers the two guards (as you do).

12. The rifle can be then used to scare off and inflict damage on the party in pursuit of Gaines.

13. When in need of epic scenes (e.g. cavalry/indian battles and buffalo hunts, William Castle the director cannily saved money, by going back to earlier films such as Buffalo Bill and borrowing footage, which he then incorporated into his film.

14. Despite the new rifles stock being "5 weeks away"; when they are really required, when the chips are down, Jim Bridger will find a way to get General Pope to lead his party with the new rifles to save Colonel Carrington in less than 5 minutes.

14. Despite months of being together, while a drunken "Dakota Jack" kept sleeping hangovers off, Jim Bridger and the gorgeous Max Gaines kept their hands to themselves and just threw occasional adoring glances at one another.

15. This allows her and the recovered "Dakota Jack" to drive their covered wagon together into the setting sun at the end of the film.
