MovieChat Forums > East of Eden (1955) Discussion > There's a freeze-frame moment you can se...

There's a freeze-frame moment you can see into James Dean's soul

It's as he's talking to Abra outside her window and he's drunk and he presses the side of his face against the window-pane and then looks up at her broodingly. A bit of light catches in his eye and if you freeze-frame it, it's the most beautiful shot of him I have ever seen. I wish I could screen-cap it myself. Anyone know what I'm talking about?



I was watching the film when I came upon your post, so I looked for that specific shot. I think I know which one you're talking about, but I'm not sure of the angle. Is it when he is looking at her but his iris is kind of facing the camera or when his iris is pointed toward her? I hope that question made sense. Either way, both angles match your description and you're right; it is a compelling shot. He is looking at her but it is as if he is looking straight through her. He looks both vulnerable yet waiting for a chance to prove himself; apprehensive but determined. Thank you for pointing this moment out! I would not have noticed it otherwise.
