MovieChat Forums > East of Eden (1955) Discussion > Jullie Harris was 30 years old....????!?...

Jullie Harris was 30 years old....????!?

She looked 40 here. I can't believe she was only six years older than Dean, but she looked much older than him. I know Julie Harris was no beauty, but she looked older than Dean or the other actor playing Dean's brother.


Wow, you seriously need to get your eyes checked if you thought she looked 40, or get out more and look at people in that age group. She looked like she's in her 20's

"Mickey, he y'kn-- he takes a punishment.........I dunno why he does it"


She did look to old for a teenager.

And she looked older than her early 20s - she looked late 20s/early 30s.

She wasn't youthful looking and was too mature for my liking. Especially as the brothers looked so young (Richard Davola especially) compared to her.


She seemed too sophisticated & grown-up I suppose.

And wasn't pretty enough when you compare her to Dean BUT, he wouldn't have been as good if she hadn't played that part. That I will NEVER be convinced otherwise.


she did kinda look older than him in this movie. she never really topped anyones most beautiful list.
But still for some reason it worked in the grand scheme of things. and she somehow just fit into the movie after the first twenty minutes.


I agree with jonathan-quinn. She was good in this movie even though she was obviously older than a teenager. Still it was not as ridiculous as her playing a 12 year old girl when she was 27 in The Member of the Wedding. She got rave reviews but anyone could tell she was much older than 12.


She was in her late 20s. The movie was shot in spring and summer of 1954, so she was 28.

The Bouquet residence, lady of the house speaking!

