When actors get drunk
I read that James Dean was drunk when he filmed the scene when Cal climbs up to Abra's window in the middle of the night. I think the James Dean movie also hints that Jimmy was drinking while he was filming Rebel.
I'm not knocking Jimmy for this. Sometimes actors are really worried that they are going to mess up so they take a drink before a big scene. Stallone, a favorite actor of mine, learned he had to do an important scene in one take for Rocky. If he didn't get it in one take, they were going to delete it. Stallone, naturally, didn't want an important scene on the cutting room floor. He got himself drunk, I believe, and he filmed the scene where Rocky has to tell Adrian that all he wants to do is go the distance. It was a great scene. Sly was great and I'm glad the scene stayed in. It was very important.
Does anyone other actor doing this to prepare for a scene?
This is a little different, but I read that Marilyn Monroe was making a movie with Laurence Olivier and he didn't like her. He found her very difficult to work with. But for a love scene she had to pretend she was in love with him. So to prepare for the scene someone told her to think of her favorite drink, Coke, or to think of Frank Sinatra, her favorite singer.