MovieChat Forums > Conquest of Space (1955) Discussion > Why is everyone in this movie such an a*...

Why is everyone in this movie such an a**hole?

Seriously, if you examine this movie closely and deconstruct all of the major characters you will find every single one of them is an a**hole. Check out 1:04:30. A**holes supreme. The guy just saved your life from being blown to smithereens, Sgt. Mahony, WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH AN A**HOLE ABOUT IT? Sure, court marshal the guy for SAVING EVERYBODY.

If I were to remake this movie I would change the title to "Ship of A**holes"


The only ones with that problem were definitely Sgt. Mahony and General Samuel Merritt, but only when he later goes Kirk Cameron on everyone! 

I did find sympathy for Captain Merritt, Imoto and Andre Fodor, played by Ross Martin, and it was ashamed what would happen to him, because since he had the medical background, and could have helped mightily when General Merritt went crazy. Captain Merritt would have had an ally against the brooding Mahony.

Phil Foster's Siegle was not an a**hole, but his character was meant to be the comic relief, and unfortunately, most of the time, he came out more as annoying.
