Composer David Raksin

This is without a doubt one of the great music openings on film. David Raksin's (see 'Laura' (1944) and 'The Bad and the Beautiful' (1952) among others) music played while the camera pans across the skyscrapers and skyline of New York City is a 'Big City' sound that definitively sets the mood for the story you are about to experience. You can't do it any better than this folks!


Brilliant. From the moment the movie starts, the music takes you on a journey.

"It's as red as The Daily Worker and just as sore."



I'm in love with the music and the opening as well. This is just superb, the quintesse of film noir!

Last watched:


Does anyone know who did the absolutely searing clarinet solo under the credits?


WHAT A FANTASTIC OPENING The music is superb fits the image perfectly ,would love to get this on cd .They dont make music like this any more .Wonderful !
