Cut episodes?

I watched the first four episodes of Cheyenne during the marathon and was sad to see that each episode ran about 40-42 minutes. Hour shows of that era typically ran 50-54 minutes without commercials (The Maverick episodes being shown on the Western Channel routinely clock in at 49-50 minutes) so these episodes seem really badly cut. Since they just releaseased this show on DVD, you would have hoped Warners would have struck fresh prints (preferably uncut) and that those would be the prints now in circulation. Can anyone who has the first season set confirm the run times of the episodes on that set?



One of the highlights of watching CHEYENNE was the "Teasers" before the start of each episode.I believe this actually started fron the Second Season.
It would be a shame,if those "Teasers" were deleted,as it added to the upcomming suspense in which you always looked forward to.



Also edited out are the individual episode placards and theme song rift between commercial breaks.

Individual etchings for each episode of Maverick were discontinued in season one. How long did they last in Cheyenne?



Thanks for the valuable info. I understand why the episode placards were removed, but they added much to the mystique of the shows. Was the same artist used for all and can you identify him (or them)?



Were the placards used on shows like The Lawmen, Colt .45, or were theses series produced just after this period? Any of the Warner's detectives series?



Thanks, but do you knowe which of these had placards for individual episodes, apart from Cheyenne and Maverick?



Thanks for the heads-up about those first 16 eps. Second season, though, should run a minimum of 53 minutes, and by 1959 a full ep could be as short as 52 minutes--but no less.

M. Jacquelyn Patterson
