At The End Of The Day.
Warner Brothers produced 108 Episodes of "CHEYENNE".
Less than 5% were Remakes/Rip Offs (Whatever turns you on) from other Warner Brothers Movies.
Just imagine "The Cyber Space Traffic",if it had exceeded 5%.
In other words,this is all :-
"A Storm In A Teacup (Not Original Phrase- Remake/Rip Off).
Luckily,many people in the States,have the opportunity to see this great tv show for the first time via the Encore Western Channel.
Many Babyboomers,like myself,saw the "CHEYENNE Episodes",before the Warner Brothers Movies,as we were brought up on TV Westerns.
Finally,there was one Danny Kaye Film called:-
On The Riviera
This was filmed previously on 2 other occasions.
The film did not hurt Danny Kaye's International Career and The "CHEYENNE Show" continued for another 6 Successful Seasons-World Wide.