Season One Theme Song
Back in the late 1950s when I was a kid, I had a little 78 rpm record player and one of my records that I played over and over featured the theme songs from the western TV shows of the day. One of the songs that I remember clearly was from the Disney TV series, "The Swamp Fox," starring Leslie Neilson. The first lines of the song went:
Swamp Fox, Swamp Fox, tail on his hat
Nobody knows where the Swamp Fox at
Swamp Fox Swamp Fox hidin' in the glen
He runs away to fight again
When I hear the first season theme song at the end of "Cheyenne," the beat sounds exactly like the Swamp Fox theme. This was before the "Cheyenne, Cheyenne, where will you be campin tonight," of later seasons. Of course, there are no words to the "Cheyenne" first season theme, just music.
Am I remembering this right? Does anyone else find the two theme songs to be very similar, or I am just going nuts?