MovieChat Forums > Cheyenne (1955) Discussion > James Garner's character

James Garner's character

I only saw this show sporadically in reruns in the 1960s and only recently learned that James Garner was in several episodes. Was the Bret character in Cheyenne Bret Maverick? It's just something of an unusual name, and I was wondering if Cheyenne was a vehicle to spin off the Maverick series? Anyone know?


No. Garner played a cavalry soldier in a couple episodes (including the pilot), a villain in another, and I believe he was a preacher in the episode where his name was Bret.

That episode (The Last Train West) will be on Encore Westerns on July 21, by the way.


Oh, thanks Zevll, I have to get my Garner jones satisfied! I will definitely record that one.
