Roll Away Barrell

'Roll away, roll away, roll away barrell...' that's all I remember of the lyrics of a song about a runaway barrell.

"caps, caps, fifty cents a cap" was part of a story about a fellow selling caps stacked one hundred high on his head.

Princess and the Pea, Stone Soup, and many more fragments sometimes come to mind.

I love to hear others recollections of the occassional songs and stories from the show.

Didn't Green Jeans sometimes bring on an animal for show and tell? I recall a talking mynah bird, a toucan who would catch green grapes, and a fascinating little creature called a kinkajou.


Yes, I VAGUELY remember Mr. Green Jeans bringing animals to show us. Thanks for the memories!


Do you remember something called The Great Paint Mystery" or something like that? I remember it oh so vaguely!

Caps, caps is from a wonderful children's book called Caps For Sale


Are you referring to the Captain, Mr. Green Jeans and the black guy, Mr. Baxter, pursuing a man with a large moustache called Garumpf who was stealing paint?

I remember this. I remember how it strangely escalated, like there was no paint to paint the barn one moment, then next thing I knew, these guys were chasing Garumpf (who was Dennis by the way. he was playing the villianous character) in outside scenes.

It ended up virtual trucks loaded with paint cans that were then stolen.

Then Garumpf was captured, but he would escape and give an evil laugh.


I remember Roll Away Barrel.

I just posted under another thread about several songs I recall.

I know the puppets used to sing actual songs, as Miss Frog sang the Onions song on there once and she and the other guy frogs sang We Love To Laugh from Mary Poppins.

I wondered why the frogs voices kept changing as I didnt know about these songs from these shows or movies.

They used to have a Raggedy Ann doll 'sing' (they would just hold up the doll and another girl doll would likewise sing. they sang a song "I Like You As You Are."

There was one song played, Rosie the Little Red Car, and I've always remembered it because I knew a girl named Rosie and I thought she had heard of the song, silly me.

I remember "I'm Flying" from Peter Pan on one video clip, but I don't know if it was kites, cuz it seems that would have been "Lets Go Fly A Kite" from Mary Poppins.

I remember the previously mentioned girl doll sing a song "I Hear An Echo"

and she sang another song about being an animal. She went thru about four animals.

She said if she was a dancing bear she would start sneezing and wheezing. and then she speculated if she was an alligator.


No, alligator.

She finished the song up and said . . . I enjoy being an oyster! and This huge shell came over her and her face was poking thru.

I've always remembered an assortment of animals brushing their teeth, and the pictures were cut outs with moving arms and all.

"Two front teeth, I always brush my teeth."

The first one was a monkey and he was brushing another animal's teeth. Can't recall what, but I think a snake got in there too.


Wow - you've got some great memories. It was such a great show - I'd love to see some dvd's released.


I remember Andy Williams singing with a bear in a skit 'andy and the Bear' which I believe came from Andy Williams own show or specials.

I vaguely remember Tom Terrific, so we are at late sixties, early seventies.

Anyone recall an older variation character like Tom Terrific that the Captain used to talk to? An animated character on a screen and he was like a head with two little arms and two little legs and a little tuft of hair.

when he would get startled that hair would fly up in the air and do a flip or something. Kind of a Barney Rubble type character.

My sister said it was Dennis, but we used to see this guy (may have been Dennis) and he was in front of a black background and he would do mirror tricks and all while music played.

One bit had him in four images, screen split into four quarters and in each square, Dennis was hilighted in a different shade; one red, one green, one blue, one yellow.

And in each square he had a different musical instrument, so of course to a kid, this made these four different fellows.

He wore a striped shirt, suspenders and like a clown hat, and his face was apparently painted white, so that was why I never recognized it as Dennis.

DECADES later, I am listening to an obscure, easy listening station and lo and behold, that tune they 'played' from the skit with the four clowns came on the radio. No idea what it was called, I just sat and listened.

Oh, I loved my captain, and that I had to miss him and go spend the day with some shrewish old cow and recite her alphabet for her, still boggles my mind to this day.


Roll Away Barrel, was sung by Judy Collins. I don't recall all the words myself, but I do recall what happened to the barrel, it rolled on to rail road tracks and into a train. "Roll away Barrel, you'll never roll down the hill any more"

Raggedy Ann was also "Swinging on a Star" sung by Bing Crosby.

Another of Bing's Songs on the show was "High Hopes"

The Frogs sang(?) "Carried Away" from "Mary Poppins"

And who can forget "Tail of the Tootle Bird" An opera by Mr Moose.

My name is Ozymandias, King of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
