first of all, the show was filmed out of new york, not los angeles. it was, as i recall, one of the last network shows to originate out of new york. this may have something to do with it. aesthetic standards were somewhat different in new york than in LA, especially back in the sixties and before then. color was, to some extent, associated with "gaudiness," while black and white was associated with "class" or "classiness." "serious" films and television programs were often shot in black and white, even when color filming was feasible. for example, otto preminger shot "anatomy of a murder" in black and white, even though most mainstream hollywood films at the time were shot in color. it is possible that the cbs producers thought of "captain kangaroo" as a "class act," a "classy" children's show, not some cheap, gaudy production. hence, there may have been resistance to putting the show on in color. cbs called itself the "tiffany of networks" at the time and had a preoccupation with maintaining a classy, "genteel" image (in contrast to the more "plebian" networks, nbc and abc).