MovieChat Forums > Captain Kangaroo (1955) Discussion > The 'Mr. Fly' episode; 'Timmy, Ruth, and...

The 'Mr. Fly' episode; 'Timmy, Ruth, and Lassie' episode

I grew up watching this warm wonderful show as a child in the 1960's.

Two particular episodes are my sentimental favorites:

1. An episode that I labelled "Mr. Fly." (I don't know wha the official title
was, if there was one.) Captain Kangaroo episodes were rarely laugh out loud
funny, but this one was. During the entire episode an (unseen) fly made a
total nuisance of itself. It entered into every scene, driving the poor
Captain to almost have a nervous breakdown, bless his heart. It would
constantly get on the clown's nose and "honk" it, get on the revolving chair
at inappropriate moments and make it move, annoyed Bunny Rabbit, Mr. Moose,
poor Grandfather Clock. When the show would go to commercial break, all
sorts of noise and confusion would be taking place. When the show came back
from commercial break, there was no "playhouse music," just the noise and
confusion right back at you. That darn fly made everything go wrong that
could go wrong that day.

2. An episode where June Lockhart (Ruth Martin), Jon Provost (Timmy Martin),
and Lassie (actor (male dog!)) appeared. My mother let me be late for
school to watch this one. (Half the kids in my class were late that day
also--) I can't remember whether the actor that played Timmy's father
and Ruth's husband appeared as well. (Did he? Help me out here fellow
"Captain Kangaroo" fans.)



I think that the episode with Timmy and Lassie aired in 1963, and I have the exact date somewhere. I'll post it here early next week. I've never seen the episode with the fly, but I'll check my notes and see if I can supply the episode date. Existing CK episodes are few and farbetween, but I own some episodes from the fifties, sixties and seventies....
