Ping pong balls

What caused the ping pong balls to fall?


I remember the show and the ping-pong balls would fall from a top set somewhere and this would happened everytime the Captain would fall for Mister Moose's hijinks.


What caused the ping pong balls to fall?

If I recall correctly, it was Mr. Moose tricking someone into saying "Ping Pong Balls".

- Greg

"Ook" - The Librarian at Unseen University


Mr. Moose would start a knock-knock joke and the captain would begin to look worried because no matter how he played it he would always get tricked into saying 'ping pong balls' and get a shower of them. I loved Mr. Moose's laugh. Once the captain got Mr. Moose to do the knock-knock with Green Jeans but still ended up being the one tricked into saying 'ping pong balls' and getting the shower.


I used to get a kick out of those ping pong balls falling on Captain Kangaroo. Even thinking about it makes me want to laugh my head off. I believe they fell from a hopper hanging from above.


I am so glad other people wondered about this, too!

The show had some wonderful surreal aspects such as the ping pong balls' presence. Another odd touch I enjoyed was when the Captain first noticed that his hanging up the keys stopped the theme song, and he proceded to give the camera a sly and knowing look while he removed the keys from the peg, then hung them up again, sort of revelling in his power over the music. It was delightful to be a kid included in this knowledge shared by our mentor. :)

The musical numbers with white gloves were very innovative, too, in our pre-green screen world. We were exposed to all kinds of popular music through these little video-esque sketches, and Mr. G. taught us about instruments and musical structure. The Captain gave us a love of books and working with friends. My childhood wasn't very happy, but Capt. K. was a lifeline in his way. What beautiful people he and his cast were.


I still have a vivid memory of watching the Captain's show and coloring in a Christmas coloring book. It was a friday, a few days before Christmas and school was done until January. I can remember feeling so content and happy. I cherish that moment. Thank you Captain Kangaroo.

Do you understand the words that I am saying to you?



Not sure, but I thought it was gravity. That was a long time ago, though.


Definitely not gravity....that was before they had discovered gravity.

my god its full of stars
