MovieChat Forums > The Wild One Discussion > If only Kim Novak…

If only Kim Novak…

…could have played Kathie. It would have added so much appeal to the movie.
This film hasn’t held up like other movies of the 50s, e.g. Streetcar, Rebel Without a Cause, and Vertigo.
Brando’s pudgy belly and fat bottom in this film don’t seem very cool for a young rebel. He was much more fit in Streetcar.

—Just some observations upon rewatching the movie after 40 years.


I watched it for the first time last night, and actually quite liked Kathie. She left me wishing that pointy bras and soft sweaters were still en vogue. A lot of the rebels did just seem like annoying, needy actors, though, and Brando’s hat was the complete opposite of cool. Overall, I’d give the movie an 8/10.
