Does this movie have the camera shot?...
The camera is sitting in the middle of the road close to the ground and motorcyclists are coming towards the camera and they avoid the camera by going to the left or the right?
The camera is sitting in the middle of the road close to the ground and motorcyclists are coming towards the camera and they avoid the camera by going to the left or the right?
Mr.GrapplerNZ i assume you're a kiwi(New Zealander)?I've watched this scene many times over so i'm certain i can answer your question BUT i'm not sure exactly what you want to know?If you're not a Kiwi i apologize!
I just would like to know if there is a scene where a motorcycle gang rides towards the camera or (us the viewers watching) and swerves to miss the camera (viewers watching).
It is hard to explain and appreciate your patience.