MovieChat Forums > The Wild One Discussion > yvonne doughty as 'britches',was this fl...

yvonne doughty as 'britches',was this flicks real temptress..... her skintight black denim pants,tight sweater with her name emblazoned across her heaving breasts,black engineer boots,black leather jacket and little cycle cap,she was this movies true sultry tigress,not the boring kathy character played by the pretty mary murphy.
miss yvonne doughty,as britches,brought seductive sexiness to a trampy high in 'the wild one',if i had been the 'johnny' character,ide have tooled off into the sunset on my triumph with her sitting pillion,long before i would have given the virginal headcase 'kathy' character a second glance.....but thats just me,ive always found the wild gals in my life to be more memorable and the goody goodys to just be a drag in the long run.



Even better, Yvonne Doughty was an expert motorcycle rider, too, according to the publicity blurb on the back of a photo at the British Film Institute of her sitting on Brando's lap (who mimslef is on that 'W' emblemed Matchless twin)

Was her brasierre a forerunner of, like, airbags or something ?


Yeah...Her breasts looked very strange in the movie.


I thought they were portraying her as drunk, slutty and pathetic. They chose an actrtess, womanly and passionate yes, but homely and the close up proves it. I thought it was a comment on what a nowhere bunch of losers she and the gang were.

People never lock their doors in this town.
They will tonight.


I loved Britches. My girfriend and I went to a costume party at the time. I was Johnny(no Marlon Brando, I) and my girfriend was Britches in a tight sweater with "Britches" embroidered on it, boots, cap and leather pants, OMG.


Did anyone else notice the ring on her left hand? almost like a wedding band. My first thought was that she'd been some upright wife who'd gotten involved with the gang and just decided to run off with them.
