Mom Jeans

I watched the film this week and it was funny to see how much Brando's and Lee Marvin's jeans are what would be called today "Mom Jeans". When I saw the movie for the first time in the early '80s the style seemed perfectly normal since everybody wore high waisted pants.

My father, who was twenty years old in 1954, told me that in Southern California the style at the time was Levis 501s that were never washed from new, engineer boots, and big cuffs at the ankles. That's pretty close to what the BRMC and Beetles wore.


Same with my oldest brother. In 1957 and thereabouts, he and his pals would buy 501 Levis in their exact size, wear them for 8-10 months, never wash them, and throw them away when they were too dirty to wear anymore. Yuck.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Very true. Pops said you knew it was time to get a new pair when they stood up in the corner by themselves! Only members of the chess club washed their jeans.


In "No One Here Gets Out Alive", a biography of Jim Morrison, it mentions that his best friend in high school would dress in "good boy" clothes and leave the house in the morning with his parents' approval, but then change into a raunchy pair of jeans that he left in the dirt under a tree.


๎€น~ I remember that being mentioned in the book. I love No One Gets Out Alive-Jim Morrison bio. Excellent read & would recommend anyone to read it.๎†



De aquel amor
de musica ligera
nada nos libra
nada mas queda

- Soda Stereo ๐ŸŽค

Descanse en paz Gustavo Cerati


They were deff Mom Jeans-Brando's posterior looks rather large in them jeans and his cap has me laughing cause all I can think of is the"Soprano" character Vito getting outted in the gay bar wearing his "Wild One" outfit.....
This films hype makes it sound like they raped and pllaged throughout the film ,when in reality it is really tame
