
Finally watched this last night and the songs are pretty bad. That "Snow" song was just awful. "Sisters" was pretty bad too. The only good song was the title tune. The story was corny and the dialogue repetitive. How this is a Christmas classic is amazing to me, and I usually like this type of schmaltz.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley


Irving Berlin's music is not corny, awful, or bad in any way. Don't watch this movie again. What are you, 14? The opinions of the adolescent crowd do not matter.


Oh, go wash your hair in snow.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley


I have to agree on the "Snow" number. I rolled my eyes when that line about washing hair was sung.


It's not the best for sure


Are you kidding? Sisters is _wonderful_. My sister and I love it. It's a tradition with us. Yeah, it's corny. But it was a corny time. Ever watched one of the hit TV shows from then? Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best? Major corn.


Just out of curiosity what movies represent the type of schmaltz that you like.


As the OP demonstrates, there are idiots everywhere at all times.


Greetings from 2022. How do you feel about rap and musicals like In the Heights or Hamilton? The rhyming scheme of “Snow” strikes me as a forerunner to that kind of composition.


Every song in this movie, including the "snow" song, is exceptionally good.
