Question on Lancaster's Men (SPOILER WARNING)
This is not including Lancaster or Cooper. I know there were several battles before the final one at Vera Cruz and several of the men lost their lives but when we get to the last battle six of them have survived. They are 1. Donnegan played by Ernest Borgnine who is killed during the battle when they fight the Marquis (Caesar Romeo) 2. Pittsburgh played by Charles Bronson who is killed at the gattling gun 3. Ballard who is played by Archie Savage who is killed by Lancaster as he is driving the wagon with the gold near the end. 4. Tex played by Jack Elam 5. Abilene (I think) played by James Seay who looked like a gambler 6. A Hispanic outlaw that didn't have any lines and was probably just there to have a menacing type look.
My question is what happened to the last three in the battle? I am talking about Tex, Abilene, and the Hispanic outlaw. Can we assume they were killed during the battle sometime. There was lots of shooting going on. Before Lancaster is warned that the Marquis is making a break Cooper calls on Ballad and Donnegan to help so maybe they were already killed off. These were outlaws and it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't want to be too far from the wagon at the end.
Any comments or thoughts? Maybe some of you have noticed things I didn't or have opinions on it.