A Note of Appreciation for Mason
Everybody who watches this knows it's a Judy Garland movie. She's amazing, and has a voice like I've never heard. I'm sorry she never got a competitive Oscar, and think this was her true shining moment.
I desperately wanted to see this movie, and was thrilled when it was finally showed (in its entirety) on TCM. Judy was as wonderful as I thought she'd be, and 'Melancholy Baby' may be one of the most beautiful songs I've heard her do.
However, I wanted to write a note and say how impressed I was by James Mason's performance. I've seen him in his classics, films like 'Lolita' and 'North by Northwest,' but this is the finest performance I've ever seen by him. He's everything the character needs to be in order for the story to work. In the beginning, he's absolutely charming, and at the end he's devastating. My mother watched it with me and we were both stunned. I never expected to feel so deeply about his character, and that is a complete tribute to Mr. Mason.
I am by no means trying to deny anything to Judy Garland. She was wonderful, and just as responsible for the wonderful chemistry they had. But I wanted to write a note and say how amazing I thought he was, and how much I loved that performance. I think that if it had been another year, he definitely should have won Best Actor. He remains one of my favorites, and I think this was truly his finest hour