The dropped glove

I always heard it was an accident and that Brando just starting playing with it and so on. But in the trivia section here it says that happened as an accident in rehersal and the director liked it and told her to drop it in shooting, which isn't as interesting a story. Which is true?

I did sixty in five minutes once...


Robert Osborne said in one of the introductions that when the glove is first dropped and Terry picks it up it is pristine white. As the movie progresses the glove gets soiled. Symbolism as we learn more about the corruption on the woterfront.


The "Dropped Glove" scene is almost regarded as a master class on acting today.
If you watch any young actor today,they all fumble around with their hands now.Either rubbing them together or twirling a pencil or some other object and Brandos glove scene is the example given as to what to do with yourself rather than your arms dangling at your side
