MovieChat Forums > On the Waterfront (1954) Discussion > Monty could've pulled it off

Monty could've pulled it off

I just read that the part of Terry Malloy was originally written for John Garfield, but he died before the movie was made. I can kind of see John Garfield in the part. He played a good tough guy and he was believable as a fighter in Body and Soul. I also read that if they couldn't get Brando, they were going to get Frank Sinatra. I don't know if I can see Sinatra as Terry Malloy. I actually could have seen Montgomery Clift in the part. He was a great actor. The producer of From Here to Eternity didn't want him to play Prewitt because he didn't think he was tough enough. But Monty pulled it off. I think he would've been great as Terry. For those of you that don't think Monty could've pulled it off, watch him in From Here to Eternity. Also watch him go toe to toe with John Wayne in Red River. Clift could play tough. I don't know why they were trying to get Sinatra and they never considered Clift. What do you think?



I'm not saying Brando wasn't great. He gave an outstanding performance. I just find it funny that they were ready to get Sinatra if they couldn't get Brando. Why Sinatra and not Clift? I think Montgomery Clift would've made a great Terry. But like you said, it's Brando's role. Brando is Terry Malloy. It's one of my favorite movies. From Here to Eternity is also one of my favorite movies. Watching Monty in From Here to Eternity recently, I pictured him as Terry. I think he was supposed to appear tough, but his gentle side comes out with Edie. I also could have seen Monty with Eva Marie Saint.


the producers always wanted brando - but kazan knew that brando might not work with kazan again coz of the Kazan ratting the commies - so they went to many actors - karl malden even did a reading with Paul Newman...but brando was always the first choice...then brando came around when he read the material again

"Im just a bum sitting in a motor home on a film set, BRANDO said, and they come looking for ZEUS".


Did they ever go to Montgomery Clift. I'm curious now.


A biography of Clift said that after Brando won the Academy Award, Clift told some that he had been offered the role first, but turned it down for being cliched. He said Brando added the improvements.

I think Clift could have done it well, but Sinatra would have been terrible and turned it into schlock. I've read Garfield was considered first for A Streetcar Named Desire but never about this. He would have turned both into old-fashioned performances.


John Garfield would have been too old if they made it the year Brando made it.

As for Monty , I think he would have made an interesting portrayal of Terry Malloy. But I think Paul Newman would have been really good in this role. Probably just as good as Brando.
